Episode 021: Rewiring Your Brain {Mental Models & Deep Stuff}
We’re getting deep on this week’s episode. From imposter syndrome to design thinking to mental models, let’s explore ways to rewire your brain and think about problems in creative ways.
Links and resources mentioned:
Brene Brown - Rising Strong
Eckhart Tolle - The Power of Now (which I discovered via RuPaul’s podcast What’s the Tee?)
Fast 48 Design Thinking Bootcamp at the Taylor Center at Tulane University
A Virtual Crash Course in Design Thinking — Stanford d.school
IDEO is a global design company and the creators of the first usable computer mouse.
James Clear’s article on First Principles thinking.
Wait But Why - The Elon Musk Post Series. You can read the entire series as a Kindle eBook or check out The Cook and the Chef: Musk’s Secret Sauce, which is my favorite from the series.
Frances Ippoliti, maker of WeReclaimed upcycled jewelry, sparked a discussion on Instagram about craft show tips for introverts.
I’ll be speaking at Craftcation: Business + Makers Conference April 4-8, 2018. It’s an annual four-day business + makers conference featuring industry professionals leading attendees in creative business classes and hands-on DIY craft workshops.
Special thanks to:
Eric Laws + Morella & The Wheels Of If for composing the show's theme music!
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